Hey Guys, In this blog you will learn everything to get started with Golang by writing a simple CLI app - TICKET BOOKING FOR CONCERT, we will cover
Why Go?
Variables & constants
Formatted output
User Input
Scope Rules
Arrays & Slices
If-else & Switch statements
Why Go?
Go is one of the youngest languages which is developed by a set of developers in google in 2007. The simple reason is it's clean and easy. Go is designed to be simple, and built for a purpose, essentially, Go is great for beginners.
Go was designed to run on multiple cores and built to support concurrency
concurrency in Go is cheap and easy
simple and readable syntax dynamically typed languages like python
Efficient and Safety of a low level, statically typed languages like c++
simple syntax: Easy to learn, read and write code
Let us learn concepts by building a Ticket booking app for concert
let us welcome our users
package main //package name
import "fmt" //importing fmt format package for using in our program
func main() //the program starts here
//Let us welocme the user by writing welcome to our concert
fmt.Println("welcome to our concert")
fmt.Println("Get ur tickets here to the concert")
// Go praograms are organized into packages
//"fmt" is one of these,which you can use by importing it
Variables and Constants
Instead of mentioning generally as a concert, here we are going to specify the concert name, let's say GO CONFERENCE.
package main //package name
import "fmt" //importing fmt format package for using in our program
func main() //the program starts here
var concertname string //declaration
concertname = "GO CONFERENCE"
var concertname string ="GO CONFERENCE" //initialization
concertname := "GO CONFERENCE" // we can specify in these many ways
var totalTickets int = 50 // or totalTickets := 50
const totalTickets int = 50 //here we cannot update or modify the value in any place in the program once initialized
Formatted Output
a := 10
b := 10.0
c := true
fmt.Println("the value of a is " +a+"and the value of b is " +b+"the value of c is "+c) //not an best practise instead format it .
// formatting the output
fmt.Printf("%v is the value of a and the data type of %v is %T\n",a,a)
fmt.Printf("%v is the value of b and the data type of %v is %T\n",b,b)
fmt.Printf("%v is the value of c and the data type of %v is %T\n",c,c)
User input
Let's get the user's first name, lastname, email adress, no of tickets needed for concert for sending the booking confirmitation in email or for printing ticket .
//Lets say the user needs this many ticket for concert so user must enter the no of tickets so we need to get user input data in go lang it's simple
//uint is an data type ie. unsigned integer the remaing tickets cannot be negative so we're using uint
package main
import (
func main() {
concertname := "GO CONFERENCE"
var totalTicketsAvailable uint = 50
var RemainingTickets uint = 50
var firstName string
var lastName string
var email string
var usertickets uint
var bookings []string
for {
fmt.Printf("Hey Welcome to our %v\n", concertname)
fmt.Printf("Hey Total TIckets for concert is %v\n", totalTicketsAvailable)
fmt.Println("Enter your first name")
fmt.Println("Enter your Last name")
fmt.Println("Enter your email")
fmt.Println("Enter the total no of tickets needed")
RemainingTickets -= usertickets
bookings = append(bookings, firstName+""+lastName)
fmt.Printf("Hey %v %v, Welcome to our %v\n", firstName, lastName, concertname)
fmt.Printf("Total tickets you have booked %v,remaing tickets availabe for %v is %v\n", usertickets, concertname, RemainingTickets)
fmt.Printf("Confirmation email has been sent to %v\n", email)
totalTicketsAvailable = RemainingTickets
Scope rules
package main
import "fmt"
// if we declare variables in this scope ie before the main function
// we can use update or modify anywhere in program
// for eg
var a int = 10
func main(){
fmt.Println(a) //this will print 10
a = 20
fmt.Println(a) //this will print 20
b = 20
fmt.Println(b) //this will give error because we cannot use the variables outside the block of code if declared inside the block of code
An array is an collection of similar data type elements . Let's say we have to collect the details of the users who booked the tickets
var bookings [50]string //for writing strings in Array
//Here we are going to store the userthe user's first name and last name
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var bookings [50]string //for writing strings in Array
// Here we are going to store the userthe user's first name and last name
firstName := "Go"
lastName := "lang"
bookings[0] = firstName + " " + lastName
fmt.Printf("The details of the bookings %v\n",bookings[0])
fmt.Printf("The details of the bookings %v\n",bookings)
Slice is an abstraction of an Array
Slices are more flexible and Powerful: variable-length or get an sub-array of its own
Slices are also index-based and have a size ,but is resized when needed
It's like ArrayList in java
Append - adds the elements at the end of the slice
Grows the slice uf a greater capacity is needed and returns the updated slices .
var bookings []string //for writing strings in Slices
//Here we are going to store the userthe user's first name and last name
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var bookings []string //for writing strings in Array
// Here we are going to store the userthe user's first name and last name
firstName := "Go"
lastName := "lang"
var bookings []string
bookings= append(bookings,firstName+""+lastName)
fmt.Printf("The details of the bookings %v\n",bookings[0])
fmt.Printf("The details of the bookings %v\n",bookings)
fmt.Printf("the length of slice booking is %v\n",len(bookings))
A loop statement allows us to execute code multiple times, in a LOOP
Unlike other languages we don't have while loop do while loops .only we use for loop
we want to create a constant loop so app will not exit
for {
fmt.Println("Hello") // loop will be executed infinite times
package main
import (
func main() {
concertname := "GO CONFERENCE"
var totalTicketsAvailable uint = 50
var RemainingTickets uint = 50
var firstName string
var lastName string
var email string
var usertickets uint
var bookings []string
for {
fmt.Printf("Hey Welcome to our %v\n", concertname)
fmt.Printf("Hey Total TIckets for concert is %v\n", totalTicketsAvailable)
fmt.Println("Enter your first name")
fmt.Println("Enter your Last name")
fmt.Println("Enter your email")
fmt.Println("Enter the total no of tickets needed")
fmt.Scan(&usertickets) // user input
RemainingTickets -= usertickets
bookings = append(bookings, firstName+""+lastName)
fmt.Printf("Hey %v %v, Welcome to our %v\n", firstName, lastName, concertname)
fmt.Printf("Total tickets you have booked %v,remaing tickets availabe for %v is %v\n", usertickets, concertname, RemainingTickets)
fmt.Printf("Confirmation email has been sent to %v\n", email)
totalTicketsAvailable = RemainingTickets
If-else and switch statement
conditional statements to check the condition
if condition {
// body part to be executed
else {
// body part to be executed
in our case we need to check if the remaing tickets is zero or not if its zero then we should end the for loop
if..else statements are very useful in many cases
package main
import (
func main() {
concertname := "GO CONFERENCE"
var totalTicketsAvailable uint = 50
var RemainingTickets uint = 50
var firstName string
var lastName string
var email string
var usertickets uint
var bookings []string
for {
fmt.Printf("Hey Welcome to our %v\n", concertname)
fmt.Printf("Hey Total TIckets for concert is %v\n", totalTicketsAvailable)
fmt.Println("Enter your first name")
fmt.Println("Enter your Last name")
fmt.Println("Enter your email")
fmt.Println("Enter the total no of tickets needed")
fmt.Scan(&usertickets) // user input
if(usertickets > RemainingTickets) {
fmt.Printf("we only have %v tickets\n,so please enter valid no of tickets",RemainingTickets)
RemainingTickets -= usertickets
bookings = append(bookings, firstName+""+lastName)
fmt.Printf("Hey %v %v, Welcome to our %v\n", firstName, lastName, concertname)
fmt.Printf("Total tickets you have booked %v,remaing tickets availabe for %v is %v\n", usertickets, concertname, RemainingTickets)
fmt.Printf("Confirmation email has been sent to %v\n", email)
totalTicketsAvailable = RemainingTickets
if(RemainingTickets==0) {
fmt.Println("Our concert tickets are over, so come back next year")
User Input Validation
Here we're going to check whether the user entered details are valid or not
Conditions like FIRSTNAME AND LASTNAME should contain atleast 2 character's
email adress must contain character '@'
isvalidFirstName := len(FirstName)>=2
isvalidLastName := len(LastName)>=2
isValidemail :=string.contains(email,'@')
isvaliduserTicket := usertickets > RemainingTickets && usertickets>0
package main
import (
func main() {
concertname := "GO CONFERENCE"
var totalTicketsAvailable uint = 50
var RemainingTickets uint = 50
var firstName string
var lastName string
var email string
var usertickets uint
var bookings []string
for {
fmt.Printf("Hey Welcome to our %v\n", concertname)
fmt.Printf("Hey Total TIckets for concert is %v\n", totalTicketsAvailable)
fmt.Println("Enter your first name")
fmt.Println("Enter your Last name")
fmt.Println("Enter your email")
fmt.Println("Enter the total no of tickets needed")
fmt.Scan(&usertickets) // user input
isvalidFirstName := len(FirstName)>=2 //here
isvalidLastName := len(LastName)>=2
isValidemail := string.contains(email,'@')
isvaliduserTicket := usertickets > RemainingTickets && usertickets>0
if(isvalidFirstName && isvalidLastName && isValidemail && isvaliduserTicket) {
RemainingTickets -= usertickets
bookings = append(bookings, firstName)
fmt.Printf("Hey %v %v, Welcome to our %v\n", firstName, lastName, concertname)
fmt.Printf("Total tickets you have booked %v,remaing tickets availabe for %v is %v\n", usertickets, concertname, RemainingTickets)
fmt.Printf("Confirmation email has been sent to %v\n", email)
totalTicketsAvailable = RemainingTickets
if(RemainingTickets==0) {
fmt.Println("Our concert tickets are over, so come back next year")
else {
if !(isvalidFirstName && isvalidLastName && isValidemail && isvaliduserTicket) {
fmt.Println("Enter the valid data")
Encapsulate code into own container which logically belong there
Like variables name ,you should give a function a descriptive name
call the function by it's name whenever neccessary
The above code looks complicated do let's simply it
func greet(concertname string,totalTicketsAvailable uint)
fmt.Printf("Hey Welcome to our %v\n", concertname)
fmt.Printf("Hey Total TIckets for concert is %v\n", totalTicketsAvailable)
func userinp(firstName string, lastName string, email string, usertickets uint) (string,string,string,uint)
fmt.Println("Enter your first name")
fmt.Println("Enter your Last name")
fmt.Println("Enter your email")
fmt.Println("Enter the total no of tickets needed")
return firstName,lastName,email,usertickets
func isvalidinput(firstName string, lastName string, email string, usertickets uint,RemainingTickets uint)(bool,bool,bool,bool)
isvalidFirstName := len(FirstName)>=2 //here
isvalidLastName := len(LastName)>=2
isvalidemail := string.contains(email,'@')
isvaliduserTicket := (usertickets > RemainingTickets && usertickets>0)
return isvalidfirstName,isvalidLastName,isvalidemail,isvalidusertickets
func message(firstName string, lastName string, email string, usertickets uint,RemainingTickets uint,totalTicketsAvailable uint)
fmt.Printf("Hey %v %v, Welcome to our %v\n", firstName, lastName, concertname)
fmt.Printf("Total tickets you have booked %v,remaing tickets availabe for %v is %v\n", usertickets, concertname, RemainingTickets)
fmt.Printf("Confirmation email has been sent to %v\n", email)
totalTicketsAvailable = RemainingTickets
return totalTicketsAvailable
package main
import (
func main() {
concertname := "GO CONFERENCE"
var totalTicketsAvailable uint = 50
var RemainingTickets uint = 50
var firstName string
var lastName string
var email string
var usertickets uint
var bookings []string
for {
greet(concertname, totalTicketsAvailable)
firstName, lastName, email, usertickets := userinp(firstName, lastName, email, usertickets)
isvalidfirstName, isvalidLastName, isvalidemail, isvalidusertickets := isvalidinput(firstName, lastName, email, usertickets, RemainingTickets)
if isvalidfirstName || isvalidLastName && isvalidemail && isvalidusertickets {
RemainingTickets -= usertickets
bookings = append(bookings, firstName)
fmt.Printf("The users booked are%v\n", bookings)
message(firstName, lastName, email, usertickets, RemainingTickets, totalTicketsAvailable, concertname)
totalTicketsAvailable = RemainingTickets
if RemainingTickets == 0 {
fmt.Println("Our concert tickets are over, so come back next year")
func greet(concertname string, totalTicketsAvailable uint) {
fmt.Printf("Hey Welcome to our %v\n", concertname)
fmt.Printf("Hey Total TIckets available for concert is %v\n", totalTicketsAvailable)
func userinp(firstName string, lastName string, email string, usertickets uint) (string, string, string, uint) {
fmt.Println("Enter your first name")
fmt.Println("Enter your Last name")
fmt.Println("Enter your email")
fmt.Println("Enter the total no of tickets needed")
return firstName, lastName, email, usertickets
func isvalidinput(firstName string, lastName string, email string, usertickets uint, RemainingTickets uint) (bool, bool, bool, bool) {
isvalidFirstName := len(firstName) >= 2 //here
isvalidLastName := len(lastName) >= 2
isvalidemail := strings.Contains(email, "@")
isvaliduserTicket := usertickets <= RemainingTickets && usertickets > 0
return isvalidFirstName, isvalidLastName, isvalidemail, isvaliduserTicket
func message(firstName string, lastName string, email string, usertickets uint, RemainingTickets uint, totalTicketsAvailable uint, concertname string) {
fmt.Printf("Hey %v %v, Welcome to our %v\n", firstName, lastName, concertname)
fmt.Printf("Total tickets you have booked %v,remaing tickets availabe for %v is %v\n", usertickets, concertname, RemainingTickets)
fmt.Printf("Confirmation email has been sent to %v\n", email)