Linux commands

Linux commands


3 min read

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Hey ๐Ÿ‘‹ guys , I've covered the majority of the essential Linux commands here, which should be plenty for getting you started.

Most commonly used Linux commands:

ls - list files and directories

cd - change directory

pwd - print working directory

cp - copy files or directories

mv - move or rename files or directories

rm - remove or delete files and directories

mkdir - create a new directory

rmdir - remove or delete an empty directory

touch - create a new empty file or update the timestamp of an existing file

cat - display the contents of a file

grep - search for a pattern in a file

find - search for files and directories

tar - create or extract a tar archive

gzip - compress or decompress a file

chmod - change the permissions of a file or directory

chown - change the ownership of a file or directory

ssh - connect to a remote server using SSH protocol

scp - copy files to or from a remote server using SSH protocol

rsync - synchronize files between local and remote servers

wget - download files from the internet

curl - transfer data from or to a server using various protocols

ping - test the connectivity between two network devices

traceroute - display the route that packets take to reach a network device

netstat - display network connections and statistics

ifconfig - display network interface configuration

ip - display and modify network interface configuration

route - display and modify the kernel routing table

iptables - set up and manage firewall rules

systemctl - control system services

journalctl - view system logs

top - display the processes running on a system, along with their resource usage statistics

ps - display the processes running on a system

kill - terminate a process

bg - run a command in the background

fg - bring a background process to the foreground

jobs - display the status of background jobs

cron - schedule tasks to run at specific times or intervals

at - schedule a one-time task to run at a specific time

uptime - display system uptime and load average

df - display disk usage information

du - display disk usage information for a directory or file

mount - mount a file system

umount - unmount a file system

lsof - list open files and processes

who - display who is logged in

last - display recent login history

history - display the command history

less - view a file one page at a time

more - view a file one page at a time

head - display the first few lines of a file

tail - display the last few lines of a file

diff - compare two files line by line

patch - apply a patch to a file

awk - process and manipulate text files

sed - process and manipulate text files

sort - sort lines of text

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